
Online weekly hybrid ATM class on Fridays 10 am to 11 am Pacific Time - Contact Anna to register and receive Zoom link.
Are you on Salt Spring Island? Contact Anna for the address.

Also private Functional Integration lessons available, online and instudio.

Feldenkrais® is a Method of somatic education that helps you reconnect with your ability to move with ease, through a natural, exploratory learning process. The Feldenkrais Method gives you the opportunity to learn how to make any activity easier, more effective and more enjoyable.

About the group ATM classses:

Since Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) can be described as a modern sensory motor approach to developing awareness, I coach you in learning ways to become more aware of your patterns of how you approach and activate movement.  You learn through self-discovery how you can do the movements with more ease, and then take that learning into your everyday life and experiences.

Most of the movements are done lying down: mostly on your back or side. You learn to explore differences between your sides. This helps you transform and improve the quality of your life.  ATM classes use movement and sensory discrimination to help you open to awareness and refine how you function in the world.

This leads to biological fitness, ease of movement, recovery from injury and emotional dignity, as you discover the resources necessary to meet the uncertainty of our times. 

When I teach, I watch as carefully as I can to what each person is doing, coaching through words, often repeating the instructions in different ways. I also give people the chance to ask questions if they do not understand something, though I encourage people to listen, pay attention and find their own way through the movements. It is important that no strain or stress is created and I continually suggest that the movements be done with a lighter and effortless quality, continually offering more guidance, suggestions and questions that can help them tune into their own sensations and resources, thereby improving their self-image.

Monitoring progress is usually accomplished by each participant as is evident in the following comment from a recent participant:

That was a really interesting class. Especially the part where we mixed it up a bit, and moved our arms and spines in opposite ways to what we learned first. It was so hard at first but eventually it felt really good. At the end of the class, my uneven sidedness was almost gone. Amazing. Thank you so much.    

I also encourage everyone to describe their feelings and sensations after class (either in the group, or later with a family member or personal journaling, or email to me <as the above participant did>) and monitor same from week to week, discovering if you are able to do more of the activities that you want to be able to do.


Awareness Through Movement® 

In Awareness Through Movement classes I verbally guide you through an exploration of movement sequences while you are lying, sitting, standing or walking. The movements focus your attention on how you move. The emphasis is on becoming aware of limiting habitual patterns of movement and developing new alternatives. You discover how to integrate these more efficient patterns into your daily life. You learn to relax and to move with more enjoyment, freedom and ease. Private online sessions also available.


Functional Integration®

Individual sessions by appointment on Salt Spring Island. 


The Feldenkrais Method® is based on a deep understanding of how we can learn to move in an easy, efficient, and enjoyable manner.


Fees: $200 / 10 classes that do not have to be taken consecutively or $25 per drop in class
Recorded lessons: $200.
$100 per individual private session

Canadians can use etransfer.
US & International residents can use PayPal or WISE

PayPal Button is below (use down arrow to find options)

Feldenkrais with Anna Haltrecht

 Feldenkrais®, Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration®areregistered trademarks of the
Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.