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Feldenkrais is a Method of somatic education that helps you reconnect with your ability to move with ease, through a natural, exploratory learning process. The Feldenkrais Method helps you learn how to make any activity easier, more effective and more enjoyable.

Movement Intelligence recognizes the human organism’s ability to organize itself “organically” — elegantly and in its entirety, with spontaneously coordinated harmony — for optimal efficiency, maximal efficacy, and pleasurable, sustainable living. In line with the latest research on neuroplastcity, Movement Intelligence recognizes that overcoming physical limitations and dysfunctions is as much a matter of working with the “software” of the brain as with the “hardware” of the body.

Ruthy Alon's Chairs Movement Intelligence Chairs program shifts sitting in chairs from being degenerative into being a window of opportunity. 

Solutions for optimal mobility targeting self-care strategies for unravelling functional limitations.

Pilates is a body conditioning system that builds flexibility and long, lean muscles, strength and endurance. Emphasis is on spinal and pelvic alignment, and breathing, to stabilize your core while mobilizing your spine and joints. Coordination and balance are also improved. Intensity can be increased over time as your body conditions and adapts to the exercises. No muscle group is under or over trained. Pilates creates whole body ease and flexibility while strengthening your core and connectivity.

The Sounder Sleep System, created by Michael Krugman, helps to restore natural sleep/wake biological rhythm using movement and breath.